1.1.6  Command line compiler messages

As it is stated above, after the successful compilation, the compiler displays the compilation summary. It includes the information of how many passes was done, how much time it took, and how many bytes were written into the destination file. 

The following is an example of the compilation summary:

flat assembler version 1.72 (16384 kilobytes memory)

38 passes, 5.3 seconds, 77824 bytes.

In case of error during the compilation process, the program will display an error message. For example, when compiler can’t find the input file, it will display the following message:

flat assembler version 1.72 (16384 kilobytes memory)

error: source file not found.


If the error is connected with a specific part of source code, the source line that caused the error will be also displayed. Also placement of this line in the source is given to help you finding this error, for example:

flat assembler version 1.72 (16384 kilobytes memory)

example.asm [3]:

mob ax,1

error: illegal instruction.

It means that in the third line of the example.asm file compiler has encountered an unrecognized instruction. When the line that caused error contains a macroinstruction, also the line in macroinstruction definition that generated the erroneous instruction is displayed:

flat assembler version 1.72 (16384 kilobytes memory)

example.asm [6]:

stoschar 7

example.asm [3] stoschar [1]:

mob al,char

error: illegal instruction.

It means that the macroinstruction in the sixth line of the example.asm file generated an unrecognized instruction with the first line of its definition.