1.1.1 System requirements

All versions require the x86 architecture 32–bit processor (at least 80386), although they can produce programs for the x86 architecture 16–bit processors, too. Windows console version requires any Win32 operating system, while Windows GUI version requires the Win32 GUI system version 4.0 or higher, so it should run on all systems compatible with Windows 95.

The example source provided with this version require you have environment variable INCLUDE set to the path of the include directory, which is the part of flat assembler package.

 If such variable already exists in your system and contains paths used by some other program,it’s enough to add the new path to it (the different paths should be separated with semicolons).

 If you don’t want to define such variable in the system, or don’t know how to do it, you can set it for the flat assembler IDE only by editing the fasmw.ini file in its directory (this file is created by fasmw.exe when it’s executed, but you can also create it by yourself). 

In this case you should add the Include value into the Environment section. For example, when you have unpacked the flat assembler files into the c:\fasmw directory, you should put the following two lines into your

c:\fasmw\fasmw.ini file:


Include = c:\fasmw\include

If you don’t define the INCLUDE environment variable properly, you will have to manually provide the full path to the Win32 includes in every program you want to compile.